Monday, October 3, 2011

Thoughts better left unsaid

You ever get that feeling like you need to rebel against everything you are? Like you and everything in your life is meaning less? Like nothing makes since anymore. They don't get you... no one does. Everyone is just a product of a flawed idea. Nothing new or original can come of anyone because were all the same. Trends go and come as do ideas. We follow leaders of intelligence or beauty but what are the value in either of these if no one else understands you or not a single thought of relevance enters your head. The masses flock to stupidity to find bliss. They believe that some higher being is out there and created everything just so they don't have to find the true answer. I don't understand why they follow so blindly. Doesn't their mind ask them...tell them to seek out the truth? Do they willingly push those thought away or is it a product if the system? And what of this holy bible? Words written in a book that people claimed as real and important so let us all follow it blindly with no objections or questions. Does anyone really have a mind of their own? Or is our every thought just a product of others influence. My thoughts here written for all to see are just a product of others thoughts but are they my own conclusions or are they the thoughts of others close to me? Every person even those close to you are just trying to get deep into your mind. Reach into the depths of it and pull what you is left in there out.Who knows if this thought process is true or just the thought to misguide you from the truth. But in any case they are cast off as the thoughts of a crazy person to those who are blind. Those who live in the dim light and are ok with it and have no ambition for more.

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