Saturday, December 12, 2009

Your my soul mate! My everything!

Why do they do this to me? Can't they see I love you?! No they don't care enough to see the pain they cause me. I'm so alone here. Sure I have friends but even they do not have time for me. You make the pain bareable. I just want to cry all the time now. You wonder why I hate myself so much. Well when everything your told is how your fucking up and basically that your a mistake you would want it to all end too! You would be like me. I used to wonder if anybody would even miss me. They prolly would rejoice at my death. Only you would cry for me now. I live for you and me. If you had not come into my life to calm my storm...i don't know if I'd be alive today. You give me hope that I never had before! You give me life!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


You tell me I gotta learn to be lonely more now. So I will. Its not like I haven't been before. I'll make it for you but I can't garentee to be happy. I'll prolly be emo more than you care to deal with. I just hope you don't give up on me. Because even though I know I could handle it...I don't wanna have to deal with pain like that. But I also don't want you to fake like you want to be with me. I'm sorry I know you deserve better...but I don't wanna lose you.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Life isn't so lively

I'm alive but I'm not living. They don't trust me to make the right decision. I'm not that bad am? Then why every time they say something I feel so worthless and unwanted. I feel like I'm just a hassle to them. I'm sure their life would be so much happier without me. I'm such a bit let down that I'll hide away so they don't have to see my face. They haven't seen a tear fall across this face in quite some time and they won't for a long time. I learn to comfort myself a long time ago because I knew they wouldn't. Its so sad that now I can't even tell them the truth. For fear they'll just get me on trouble. All I want is to be there for him but they don't care. They wouldn't listen even if I tried to tell them how I feel. But its not use fighting with them anymore it wouldn't help. Could I really take the leap and move? I'm so scared but it might come down to that. I just hope it isn't till I graduate. I just don't know to do anymore. How long can I pretend to be happy here without him? Only god knows and he brought god back to my life. We have gone through s too much to give up now so I'll just continue fighting my silent battle.

Friday, August 21, 2009


All I ever do is start fights anymore. And you end up hurting cuz I'm a bitch! Its not fair for u!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

broken from stupid thoughts

I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you. I'm sorry I no longer make you happy. I know I'm the biggest mistake of your life. I feel like you dread even talking to me. I feel empty and lonely. You must see how pathetic I am. Do you realise that this depression is breaking me down? I'm just bringing you down. All I seem to do is hurt you anymore. I'm sorry I ruined you life. I know I'm not special. And I know your going to find someone better than me. I know I'm not worth your time. I'm just a dumb girl that's a bundle of emotions. You deserve better but I don't want to let you go.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Future memories

These years are flying by so fast. I'm already suppose to get a job. Ugh that I'm truly dreading. My mom is constantly on my case about it which doesn't help at all! I'm 16 and still haven't learned because when I do my parents scream at me and it stress me out so much I'm just like fuck it. So I just don't don't drive. I have my permit because I retain what I read. I just wanna go back to middle where the only thing I had to worry about was boys. lol jk. I really wouldn't wanna go back to middle....maybe 8th grade. Ha ha that whole year was a blow off year. Would not wanna go to the summer before that.... I was a complete wreck. My favorite class in 7th and 8th grade was multi-media! Me and Carolina made so awful movies. lol but they were funny! Freshman year I was a weird mess. I saw Justin everyday and I still loved him then but it was like I was invisible. Oh well now I have Aaron! He made all those other guys not even matter! Fuck them I got Aaron! Their the ones that fucked up! I love you so much baby!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Freedom for the fearful

I thought I just wanted to settle down and have a family. But now I just wanna get OUT of this town and see the world! My spirit needs to be free not stuck in this house. I wanna get out of this state! This room is driving me insane. I FEEL LIKE I'M STUCK IN A CAGE! While my friend are out driving around town having fun I'm stuck in this house alone. I'm tired of being a good kid. I wanna get out of here and have fun! But am I ready for the responsiblilty?

Monday, August 3, 2009

pretty little fuck up

All I can see is you wanting her. All I can feel is pain because something inside me is saying your not over her. Even after all she did to hurt you. I think that if she decided to take you back you would go running to her with everything you got. Why would you care about the past with her if you love me. You say you don't love her but little things say you still do. And for someone to save you like that they make an impact on your life. You don't just forget a love like that. And for you to say if I played you like she did you would forget me when she did it so much and you still loved her with every fucking fiber of your being. It just kills me that I know that. It kills you to be around her because you love her still. I give you my heart and all you truely want is hers. And I'm so stupid because I still love you with everything I got even though I know this. I love you I truely do and I hope you love me more than her but I don't know. I doubt you'll ever see this. If you really know me instead of texting me you would be on here reading how bad I'm hurting but you won't. You don't need to know. I'll never quite be good enough for anyone and I always fuck up.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Broken from his absence

Tonight I'll let my tears fall and he will not know. I'll hide my empty pain from him from now on. He will only see me content. Never again will he have to hear my pathetic cry. He will be shield from the darkness. He will only see the light even if its fake. I will protect his heart from my cold bitter soul. Depression its back like a lost friend. I can see he is growing tired of me. I am no longer special. Was I ever? Only god knows. Maybe its my place to disappear. Maybe its my destiny to fade away into the darkness and never return. Would he notice? I know I'm not worth a second of his time. I'm no better than the rest. He will tire of me like he did her. I don't wanna hold him back but I just don't wanna let go. I will if he wants me to. As much as I want to tell him my pain I will not burden him with it. I will not tell anyone. I'll cry the night away and put the mask of happiness on during the day. I know everyone would be happier if I was gone but I'm not strong enough to do it. I wish I could make their lives better but I can't. I know he is tired of me. He deserves so much better.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What is wrong?

Tonight my boyfriend claimed like many others to have been touched by god. I don't understand this. He says i'm just not ready yet. But will I ever be? I find myself closer to the side of science instead of "blind" beliefs. I guess if you have faith then you don't need proof. But am I wrong if I'm not ready to follow mindlessly to a religion. Am I some kind of "evil?"

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The brighter side of life

I've been given a great life by my parents. There is no doubt about that. They spoiled me like crazy but raised me still with my humanity present. I have this feeling like I'm destined for something more. Like it's waiting to be released. Its just finding that thing that makes this unsettling feeling disappear. I feel trapped but yet not. I drift away from this world in a good book. It takes me away from the reality of my failing life. I just can't seem to get it right most of the time. I found a wonderful guy that brings the happiness and sadness in just the right amount. He makes me see the world a bit differently than I am. He will never know how much he really saved me. I just wish I could have been the one to save him. Because I know he'll never forget the person who did and neither will I. It sucks because I want to be the savior. You know? The one needed the most. I guess that's a downfall of mine. I just want to be needed and no one seems to find a need for me. Ugh there I go again bring the pathetic side out. He will not be forgotten and I hope a time never comes were I have to pretend to. He will be in my mind forever whether it be happy memories or haunting me (if he shall decide to leave). And I am happy about that. For if it wasn't for him I would be seeing this world in this new shade of bright! I love him and glad he decided to have me be part of his life!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How can this be life?

These four cream colored walls bare down on me. My silent scream is so loud for no one can hear it. The noises of this place makes put images that I hate to play. Always spinning hoping I don't slip into insanity. Questioning my health so easily I don't answer for fear of what I'll find. Darkness finds its way into my light. There is no way to fight it now. Am I worth the confusion I'm causing you? Sleep, oh sweet slumber you thought I slipped into. I long for it yet it does not come. The noises become so loud when your in solitude. Don't let a sound slip from your scared little lips. They might find you. Dragging you deeper into this darkness called my mind. Do you hear that beating at my window? My curiosity will not win this time. Hush now don't make a sound. It's the calm before the storm. Why can't I just sleep? Whats wrong with me? I have no I won't drag you any deeper but you wish to continue. Help me escape my mind. I need to be with you and all this madness....darkness disappears. Your the pleasant numbing of this depression. Hold me in your arms and I will be saved. I will be happy.

You make me so happy! We should be happy!

We may fight alot that is true. But I'm not tired and I'm not ready to give up on you! You make me so happy when I'm sad. Your my angel. It's so true. I know your shaking your head no but baby you held me up when I felt like giving up. You saved my life. I don't think you realise this. I don't want anyone else Aaron! I want you and only you! Your laugh makes me smile even over the phone. I love how I bring out the playful side in you. I love the way your eyes sparkle when you look at me! I love the way your watch is a bit too big on your wrist. I LOVE YOU AND EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU! And the cure for my loneliness is simply hearing your lovely voice! No other man can even compete against you for my love! Your the best and absolutely perfect in my eyes!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Babe I love you!

Say my name. I just want to hear you speak my name. It makes me smile and my heart beat fast. Am I crazy for letting you have my heart completely? My parents sure think so. You’re the only one who can make me smile when I’m depressed. How can I not love someone who is so perfect in my eyes for me. I might be blinded by love but I’d rather be blind with you then seeing clearly with anyone else. I love the sparkle in your eyes when your happy. I hate see in those salty burning droplets fall across your soft face. It breaks my heart to see you hurt that much. I would give anything to never see that sadness in your eyes again. It’s like when I look in those blue spheres I can see the depths of your tortured soul. I hope this doesn’t turn into another of my stupid sappy heartbreaks. Though I would never kill myself trusting people with my emotions would be even harder. I might be depressed sometimes but I try to be happy for you. The way my body tingles when our hands touch is unlike any other. It’s like electricity flows from your hand to mine through my body and back to you. Do you feel it too? Do you get butterfly to every time you see me? You’ll never know how much you have made me stronger. You saved me in so many ways that night. You don’t even know how grateful I am!